feel more joy

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” – Joseph Campbell

Do you want to be happier and feel more joy in your life? Of course you do!

Nobody wants to be miserable or wallow in negative thoughts. It brings you down and takes the joy of living out of life. You are only here for a short time and it is important you fill those days with love, fun and joy.

It doesn’t take money to feel joy. Joy is something you can feel no matter what is happening around you. In fact, when you can find the joy in what is happening, you are more capable of handling even the most stressful situations.

Here are 10 ways to feel more joy in your life.

1. Appreciate the things you have in your life. If you have a car that gets you to point A to point B, appreciate what you have and don’t worry if it isn’t brand new and shiny.

2. Carve out a few hours a week to do something you truly enjoy. Whether you like to read, hike or even have a guilty pleasure like watching television.

3. Be kind to yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. Remind yourself that you are not perfect, but that is exactly how God made you.

4. Take up a hobby. Consider writing, photography, sewing or painting. These hobbies are relaxing and will give you great pleasure as you create something with your own two hands.

5. Volunteer your time at a local homeless shelter, an animal shelter or as a volunteer at the local hospital. Doing good for others gives you a warm, joyful feeling.

6. Indulge in prayer and meditation every morning. Spending 15 minutes alone, praying and immersing yourself in your spiritual studies will give you more joy than you can imagine.

7. Accept the sadness in your life and move on so you can experience joy. Sad things happen. Accepting that it is a part of life and that there are hundreds of great things that happen every single day will bring you joy.

8. Make a list of 10 things that make you happy. When you are struggling to find joy, reference your list.

9. Do your best to be carefree and not be so concerned with what is considered acceptable adult behavior. Build a sandcastle, run down the sidewalk when you see somebody you love and give them a big hug, get into tickle fights with your kids or spouse. Stop worrying about being mature and let loose every once in a while.

10. Surround yourself with happy people. If you know someone who always seems to be negative, spend less time with them and search out people who are happier and will spread their joy to you.

About Alex Blackwell
Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer.

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