I just watched a “The More You Know” PSA with John Krasinski (aka Jim from The Office) spreading the message that while hate is passed on through generations, its effect can be diluted by showing respect. This in turn reminded me of the controversy over Sacha Baron Cohen’s newest movie Bruno–some gay rights advocates are…

Come on… you know you’ve told one or two Michael Jackson jokes over the years. The self-proclaimed “King of Pop” has been such a startling public figure–with his bizarre plastic surgeries, his wild and wacky but undeniably trend-setting outfits, his dangling offspring, ever-changing skin-color and his unlikely marriages–that his life provided unparalleled fodder for public…

Yay! Sarah Palin is back, and just in time. Things were starting to get boring around here. I’m not ashamed to admit I was one of the few people sad to see the end of Palinisms. This time it’s Palin vs. Letterman. The issue at stake? Whether or not Letterman was out of line when…

I haven’t blogged about the David Carradine story up ’til now, because, well, I thought it was somewhat unethical to dredge the actor’s death into the public spotlight more than it already was (if that were possible). I’m of the belief that gawking at an accident scene is really somewhat indecent. Even if it is…

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