Dr. Norris J. Chumley Satisfied Life

Here’s a very powerful technique: it’s about connecting with and praising God, and thinking of Him with everything you do and eat. It’s simple – just keep God in mind.  When you wake up in the morning, your first thought or spoken word could be, “good morning, God, thank you!”  Before you brush your teeth…

Confide your problems and worries to a clergy member or trusted friend.  You’ve probably heard the adage, “it’s not just what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you.” Are you letting the weight of your body become an emotional weight on your mind?  Are you full of worries about your health?  Concerns are normal and healthy,…

This little book, “The Soulmate Secret,” written by Arielle Ford (January 2009, HarperOne), could bring miracles in your love life, as it did for her and her BIG LOVE soulmate, Brian Hilliard. The ancient Law of Attraction is at play here (like in the recent books and video, “The Secret,”) this time Arielle Ford has…

As much as we need food to nurture our bodies and minds, we need emotional and spiritual food for the psyche and soul, too.  It may seem odd, but to lose weight and maintain healthy changes, make sure to nourish your inner being on a daily basis.  Read a religious or spiritual passage every day…

In my Joy of Weight Loss: An Easy Guide to Fitness book, and in my work with clients and workshop participants I always begin with making a journal of what’s eaten, along with physical activities, time, place and emotions. Journals or logs are a wonderful way for you to become conscious of the connections between…

I just loved this short, simple little comment.  It meant a lot to me.  It’s by Patricia L. Mitchum, who wrote on the subject of New Year’s Resolutions: “Remember to not let people bother me or discourage me. Feelings should not be always easily hurt.” My blog writing on the subject of New Year’s Resolutions,…

If you do nothing else for a New Year’s resolution, call your physician or health care provider and schedule a complete, annual checkup.  Be assured you’re OK. Resolutions are in general very hard to keep, but without your health you won’t be able to make any significant changes, despite your resolve or determination.  If there’s…

In my Joy of Weight Loss program, either self-guided or with me, I recommend that people eat every 2-3 hours.  Keeping yourself fed and nourished, in balance, is important so that you will never, ever find yourself ravenous and need to eat tons of food at any given time.  I have learned never to let…

I want to encourage you to begin a regular “physical re-creation” schedule.  The hardest part is getting going.  Hopefully, you’ve had a recent and complete checkup with your medical doctor, before beginning any activity or making changes to your diet or routines. That said, I recommend you start by making it a priority to move…

If you are trying to lose weight and be healthy, being conscious and mindful of your diet (what you can eat), and being thankful to God can really help. Before eating, take a few moments to be silent.  While sitting at the table in front of the plateful of food you’re about to eat, just…

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