Spring is almost here, and love is in the air!  Valentine’s Day is upon us, hooray! Valentine’s Day, as we know it, is a celebration of love.  Love is itself a celebration of others.  To love one another is to treasure, validate, hold dear, and to cherish as highly valuable and worthy. The name of…

I’m finding Janice Taylor and my online blog conversation very, very revealing!  Janice and I have gone in just four little days from hunger for weight loss, brownies, to diets, carbohydrates, to grandmothers and mothers, to hungry, starving people that need help, to cake and its colors.  Janice Taylor’s latest blog is about Harriet, her…

There are really no coincidences in life, God has everything planned, I’ve been told, and sometimes it seems true, like today. This morning I was reading Janice Taylor’s contribution to our online conversation and there was an ad on her blog page that read “End Hunger Now!”  I think it was for a charity.  It…

Hello.  This is Day 30 of my 30 Tips to start your New Year.  Of course, it’s only a beginning!  You don’t need the beginning of a new year to make resolutions to be healthy and happy.  I suggest you resolve to be healthy and happy all day, every day. If there’s one tip for…

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