Sometimes people say things that are plain upsetting.  I am easily upset, too, because I’m a very sensitive guy from being criticized, devalued and squelched for a good part of my formative years. That’s why when yesterday at lunch I had a struggle – and an opportunity “not to take it personally” and to forgive.…

Are your weight problems affecting your relationship with God?  If you look to food for comfort and satisfaction, instead of God, you may be missing an opportunity. If you are isolated, lonely inside your house, avoiding an active and engaged life, you may be avoiding the plans God has for you.  If your health isn’t what it could be,…

In case you have not yet joined our spiritual journey, traveling to ancient lands of Egypt, Mt. Sinal, Greece, Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia — for our upcoming feature film and book, Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer (click here to join us!) — here’s the most recent newsletter.  This ancient Christian wisdom and spiritual knowledge,…

It’s about time!  The USDA and US Department of Human Services are finally getting around to recommending that we eat less fats and sugar, and more vegetables and fruits. They have announced a period of public comments about revising the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, announced Tuesday of this week.  In a press statement, found here,…

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