What makes you happy?  Is it losing weight and keeping it off?  Having a lot of money, lots of cool stuff, and living a rich life?  Is it that happiness depends on being famous or well-known?  None of the above for our readers!  Well, may be a little weight loss and staying healthy, certainly! From…

A great way to understand what’s going on in your life, in your habits and actions, thoughts and needs, is to write about it. Keep a journal or diary. Write what you’re thinking and doing. Talk on paper about what and how much you are eating, and what you’re doing to move your body and…

Here’s a delicious, nutritious, low calorie, easy and inexpensive drink that fills you up and gives you a good boost of energy.  Think of it for breakfast, or any meal, or for a snack, especially a nighttime nightcap (if you struggle with nighttime eating). My friend, Todd Lester, a frequent traveler and gourmet, taught me…

I’ve had a few thoughts about what to do with nighttime eating problems since I wrote about it awhile back.  Click here to take a look at the previous article. Putting emotional causes aside and focusing only on physical aspects, I think some people are struggling with nighttime eating, or overeating, because of a few…

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