As I’ve written a lot recently, I’ve been on a major campaign  (I won’t call it a New Year’s Resolution Diet) to lose those nagging extra pounds.  I’ve lost 10 so far, thank God!

I do believe in eating something every 2-3 hours, as I’ve written in my book, “The Joy of Weight Loss.”

What to eat?  Certainly NOT carbs!  A little protein, some vegetables are best, I’ve found.

Celery is too stringy and gets between my teeth, although I do love the crunch.  Carrots: too sweet and carroty to eat much of.

Here’s my secret snack – Belgian endive.  It has almost no calories, no fat, is crunchy and a vegetable.

I like a little humus on the endive.  Or a tiny bit of peanut butter (no more than 2 tablespoons a day, as that’s a serving of protein, and it’s really easy to eat way too much).  Almond butter is great, too.  Low-fat, low-calorie salad dressing, too is good, but not the kind with chemicals and preservative, or sugars.

What’s a healthy snack for you?  Please comment below!

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