We know why we’re fat: too much food in general, especially fats and sugar-laden food.  Now, “This is Why You’re Fat” is a book and website of a collection of recipes and photos of really crazy fatty, sugary food.  This may give you pause, or at least prompt you to think about what you put into your sacred body.

Take a look at the website www.thisiswhyyourefat.com and you’ll see photos of “The Meat-Up” an insane casserole of (and I quote) “Ground Beef, topped with 2 pepperoni logs, stuffed with Cheez Whiz, topped with a layer of bacon, topped with a layer of mozzarella cheese slices, topped with more bacon, topped with meatballs and served with brown gravy.”

There’s Twinkie pies with whipped cream, caramel, and extra butter.  A special 3-layer pizza of pepperoni, ham and sausage, not just one crust and cheese topping, 3 (three) pizzas stacked on top of each other!

How about deep-fried chocolate cake with whipped cream?  Try the Japanese 7-hamburger Whopper with cheese, to celebrate the release of Windows 7!

My personal favorite is the (and I quote again) “Redneck Quiche:
Eggs inside individual bologna cups topped with mayo and Velveeta cheese.”  Mmmmm.

Take a look and have a laugh.  Buy the new book from HarperStudio.  Just DO NOT EAT ANYTHING LIKE THESE RECIPES, please God!

Do YOU have any wild and crazy high-fat, high-sugar recipes guaranteed to give you a heart-attack and severe obesity?  Share them below in a comment, and share a laugh, please!

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