What if doing something you dread could really be fun and pleasurable?  What would happen if you did not have a lot of fear, anxiety and trepidation?

If you simply don’t believe the old mental programming that losing weight, becoming healthier, and making some positive changes in your life is a drag – then it can actually BE fun and pleasurable.  It’s just that easy:  CHOOSE TO BELIEVE SOMETHING NEW.

Begin to believe that being healthy is a pleasure, because it honestly is.  It’s not about depriving you or causing you pain and suffering.  Eating healthy foods is truthfully really wonderful.

Here’s how:  the next time you catch yourself thinking the worst, just turn it around and give it to God (or Higher Power).  Here’s a list of possibilities:

I can’t do this >> I can do it with God’s help.
I’ll be too hungry >> I’ll feed myself regularly and healthfully.
I cannot have dessert >> I can have a healthy dessert.
I’m tired >> I’ll get more energy with healthy habits & give myself rest.
This is torture >> This is an act of self-love and care.
Gyms are hellish >> Gyms are temples of health and happiness.
Goodbye good food >> Hello great, better food.
I don’t have time for changes >> I’m making myself a priority.

Let’s add to this list together.  Please post a comment about how you’re changing your old destructive beliefs into new, active, loving careful beliefs.

And please tell your friends about this daily column – treat them to some love and thoughtfulness!

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