Each week, at the end of the week, I try to feature weight loss comments from our readers that I think are right on-track.  These tips are sound advice from people who are in the process of being healthy.  I hold these high for you to see, and for all of us to learn from.

Here’s part of what Michele posted a few days ago:  “It takes time and just like you did not gain your weight overnight, you will not lose it overnight. I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. I lost 30 lbs by eating smaller, healthier meals and it is a constant battle. I also joined a gym and started exercising. Exercise is the key, but that takes time as well to get into a routine. I am still fighting that because of my schedule, kids, activities, school, etc., but it can be done. Just stick to it and don’t let insensitive people discourage you. Keep the faith!”

Floyyd wrote, “eat less move more.”   Regime said, “Being overweight is not just about the physical, it’s also about what is going on with a person’s psychological issues.”  Hurtadop agreed, “As for losing weight, you need to consider your mental status. I was very depressed and couldn’t get out of bed, no energy and I like to exercise. Once I got out there! It’s that first step getting mentally ready and getting there. I pray for ENERGY.”

I totally agree with these readers: weight loss involves eating well, moving, and especially, emotional, mental and spiritual resources and practices.

Thanks so much for your great posts.  As always, I read everything.

Please return here every day.  I plan on writing about emotions and psychological points with losing weight soon, and often.  And suggest this newsletter and blog to your friends and co-workers, please.

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