With economic woes so present in the world over the last year, and several years, there are a lot of us worried about money.

As someone who believes that obesity and overweight are symptoms of some deeper underlying problems, financial problems can certainly be “weighing” on people these days, and for a long time to come, unfortunately.

Also, I believe that worry is excellent as a catalyst for seeking help, and taking action on that help and advice – but terrible and debilitating unto itself – it’s important to get relief from worries in the best, most positive ways possible.

If finances and money are giving you pause and worry, you’re not alone.  The way to take action is to get help:

#1 – Ask God to show you the way, and promise to follow the help and advice that comes your way.

#2 – Take action: seek some financial advice, refinance and/or consolidate your debts, or at least get a great book on how to manage and budget better.  There are even free services that may be found through universities or government programs.

Don’t endure another sleepless night.  Get the money problems solved.  You may end up looking much less to food for comfort and relief.

Remember: Check my “Dr. Norris Chumley SATISFIED LIFE” blog daily for weight loss and well being inspiration and tips, and add an RSS feed so you never miss anything!

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