It is so cold now where we live.  Yet, I am warm with summer memories.

My friend, the talented Bowie Snodgrass sent me some pictures of her New York City Harlem rooftop garden.  I visited her and her wonderful husband George in this garden way up on the roof last summer.  Here amidst the cold chills of November are these beautiful images of summer sprouts,


and morning glories unraveling their blue trumpets.

Bowie_Garden_glory.jpgShe said I could share them with you, and I thank her!  These make me feel so warm inside, just looking at them.

Why not plant a garden for yourself?  There are lots of readily available kits, with seeds and pots for windowsill gardens.  Or you could get a little plant for your bedside table, or kitchen corner, and water and love it.

Or if you’re in a warm climate, start a little garden right now. OR, go to a community garden, park, arboretum, or greenhouse.

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