A yellow Mini Cooper is becoming another of my personal markers, like the friendly black dog or the red-tailed hawk. There is an oneiric logic to some of its appearances, on the roads of more than one world. It makes me think of Fringe possibilities. It reminds me that we can travel across time and…

When we experience synchronicity, we often have the sense that powers beyond our ordinary perception have come into play. Coincidence is when the universe gets personal. Heraclitus said (in paraphrase) that the deepest logic of our lives is a child playing with game pieces in another reality. As the game pieces fall, we notice the…

Thoreau journaled all the time. He wrote down his observations of nature, his thoughts and dreams, his notes on his constant reading. Most interesting, he journaled from his journals, picking over old volumes, plucking out promising bits and pieces, copying them out and marrying them up as fresh drafts. It became his habit “to work…

“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” – Joseph Campbell On Joseph Campbell’s birthday, I want to recall one of the rules for living that he understood well:  for every setback, look for the opportunity. Its close companion is: for every wound,…

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