It’s been said that coincidence is God’s (or Goddess’) way of remaining anonymous. When we experience meaningful coincidence, we often feel that a hidden hand is at work. In his famous essay on Synchronicity, Jung described the pairing or clustering of events through meaningful coincidence as an “acausal” phenomenon. Certainly, we do not observe causation…

When we go dreaming, we travel through the curtains of our everyday understanding, beyond the walls of our physical reality; we get out there. Through synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, the powers that live in that deeper reality come probing or poking through the veils, and sometimes this brings us awake to the hidden logic of events and…

Dreams hold up a  magic mirror to our current attitudes, behavior and relationships. Sometimes they grab our attention with funhouse effects, hyping or spoofing a situation. Mirror dreams show us ourselves in ways that can be shocking, uncomfortable or wildly funny. They show how others (above all a wiser or witness self) may see us.…

One of my favorite recurring dream themes is the incredible expanding house. It has many variants, in my personal dreams and in hundreds of dreams shared with me that feature this theme. It might go like this: You are in a house that feels like home, but then you discover that it has features that…

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