Last night I received a ton of help in bringing my books on Active Dreaming to a wider audience. We launched a new multimedia project and several e-books, I filmed an important documentary, and I still had time to give a speech to a full house at a Rotary meeting. Wonderful what we can pack…

I’ve been leading online e-courses in Active Dreaming  for almost four years, and I am still amazed and delighted by what wonderful fun and discovery we share, especially in the highly interactive forums, which bring together a passionate global community of active dreamers. By following our Lightning Dreamwork protocols, we are able to offer each…

Many of us in our society are undergoing a prolonged dream drought. Losing connection with night dreams is a serious malady of soul, in the eyes of indigenous elders. If you have lost your dreams, it may be because you have lost a vital part of your soul, the part that is the dreamer. Still,…

Red horses are racing above mountain tops. They are flying over the hills, immense and powerful. Plumes of steam rise from their nostrils. From the steam, men fall to the ground; they appear to be tiny stick figures in proportion to the horses. A huge raven soars above a place where water is swirling, counter-clockwise…

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