When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image. The words are  from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart. He knew about the laws of the larger reality through direct experience. The master is telling us something vitally important about our relationship…

I led a program for beginners titled “Key Habits of Creative People”.  We made a fabulous beginning, in the course of which I helped people to visualize a creative project they could bring through in any area of their lives. I guided them to turn their visions into affirmations and practical action steps. During the…

One of the most famous, and most controversial, dreams in the history of science is the vision of Ouroboros – the snake consuming its own tail – that revealed the shape of the benzene ring to German chemist Friedrich August Kekulé (1829-1896). Was it a sleep dream, a daydream or something else? I went back…

  At one of my week-long retreats at the Esalen Institute in California, I invited the group to journey, with the aid of shamanic drumming, to bring back a power song. I explained that in shamanic terms, a power song may be a tool for one or all of many important purposes. It may be…

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