The in-laws! What came to mind when you hear those two words? Handling in-laws can be tricky for most every couple. Let’s face it, as the in-law, you are an outsider to a family system that already has established rules and dynamics. But to be fair, your spouse has the same challenge with your family. Not…

Kim and Jack have worked together now for the past five years. Sometimes, in a joke, Jack refers to her as his “work wife.” They spend most of their day together, work on projects and go to lunch everyday. They know each other very well and lately have shared intimate talk about their marriages. Even…

When John and Sue began to argue over a conflict involving parenting, Sue’s mom physically put herself between the two. She then quoted Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” Both spouses were taken aback. They were having a conflict and trying to resolve it. But Sue’s…

The wedding day was just like she dreamed it would be. Dressed in a stunning designer gown, surrounded by beautiful bouquets of flowers, a handsome groom and gracious guests, the $20,000 price tag was a financial stretch. But Julie wanted a wedding to remember. Unfortunately, the wedding became her complete focus and not the man…

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