Doing Life Together

It’s cold. You don’t want to get out of bed. Lately you’ve been craving carbs. It’s hard to get motivated. You just want to hibernate! Since this feeling come on seasonally, you think, “I must have the winter blues!” Maybe, since about 20% of people struggle to shake off those winter blues. But it could be…

I was sitting in the car waiting for someone and listening to the radio. I heard several commercials in a row. What struck me was the number of times I heard the phrase, “You deserve…” According to advertisers, I deserve a lot—certain foods, cars, the purchase of services, a break, a vacation, personal wealth, etc. I struggle…

“I’m having trouble with my boss. He always thinks he is right.”  “He’s impossible to deal with because he doesn’t see how often he puts me down and thinks he is better than I am.” “She’s always telling me how great and important she is. It’s gets old!” These words represent the frustration of people who…

Preteens and teens are developmentally moody, emotional and at times unhappy. But more is happening these days than biology. In the digital age, we need to keep evaluating the impact of social media on measures of well-being. A report entitled, Social Media Use and Children’s Well-Being, concludes that just one hour a day of social networking makes a difference. “Spending one…

Before you know it, we will  be celebrating the holiday of love. Yet,  too many couples have lost that loving feeling and are headed for divorce. Divorce attorneys report that January and February (just before Valentine’s Day) are the busiest time of year for divorce. Think about it. Couples try to make it work over the…

Perhaps you have new goals and are determined to make a fresh start this new year. You’ve thought it through. There are a few things on your TO DO list you would like to check off. So, like millions, you make resolutions. The top resolution for most of us involves fitness–lose those 10 unwanted pounds, get to the…

Bill and Ann need to stop inflicting pain on each other. Both suffer physical side effects from their unhappy marriage. They don’t listen to each other or a therapist because they are so physiologically aroused. Their emotions overtake them. They are distressed and in need of help. They need self-control. Bill and Ann are so…

What happens to your emotions when you go on social media platforms? Could they become negative and lead to depression? My daughter recently tried an experiment related to this question. She was given an assignment in one of her graduate school classes to unplug from all social media for 48 hours. No cell phone or computer…

Rejection is something that we all experience from time to time. Some people experience it frequently and it can cause psychologically and spiritual damage if not handled well. Rejection is all about exclusion of some kind. That exclusion can be social, relational, from peers, family, friends and romantic relationships. A group or an individual can be…

Soon, we will all be shouting, “Happy New Year!” It’s a warm and hopeful sentiment because we know that happy people live longer, are healthier and live more prosperous lives. But how we try to find happiness matters. Scripture confirms that true happiness is found in our relationship with God. But may the righteous be…

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