Doing Life Together

Are you feeling that after turkey bloat and wondering, “How I am going to make it through the holiday season without gaining a lot of weight?” The popular notion that most people gain between 5-7 pounds just isn’t true. Truth is that most of us will gain about a pound. The problem is that we…

The day after a holiday it is easy to think, “I’ve blown it. I ate way too much. I’ll never get these extra pounds off.” Don’t go there in your thinking. Instead, get back on track and have a plan for holiday eating. Here are 5 quick tips: 1) Don’t eat standing up. Make it a…

One of my favorite movies is an endearing foreign film entitled, Babette’s Feast.  The setting is a small coastal danish town where twin sisters live a pious life as daughters of a Lutheran  minister who founded a religious sect. The sisters live a rather austere life with little enjoyment. Enjoying food was frowned upon. Babette,…

When comedian Ellen Degeneres stepped out of her shower wrapped like a mummy to show America how she prepared for the Oscars in 2011, we all got a good laugh. She was engaging in one of the beauty secrets of the stars–body wraps! Yes, the all natural body wrap claims to slim down the body, treat…

A number of parents email me concerned about their children having nightmares and want to know how to help. Sometimes the cure is obvious. Take the case of my neighbor who, during a family movie night, selected a movie that appeared to be family friendly but had a disturbing ending. Her two youngest children were…

It’s “Casino Night” at the local high school. The flyer sent home reads, “Bring your family for a night of food and fun and raise money for our school.” But is exposing kids to the real world of gambling and betting a good way to fund raise? Isn’t this just harmless fun? Walk the halls…

People leave churches for all kinds of reasons. But when Jimmy bit Chelsea during the praise and worship time, Chelea’s family neeeded a little more grace and a better understanding of child development. Biting and hitting, though never acceptable behaviors, are normal behaviors for children between the ages of one and two. Developmentally, toddlers are…

Terry slouched on my therapy couch and mumbled, “My mom has a new husband. She wants me to be nice to him but I don’t feel like being nice.  I’m sick and tired of not seeing my dad. I don’t like this strange guy walking around my house and telling me he’s my friend. He’s…

A few years ago, Connecticut’s Attorney General and US Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal, was caught lying about his service in Viet Nam. According to reports, this wasn’t the first time he misspoke and allowed the myth of his wartime service to be spread unchecked. Once caught, Blumenthal back peddled, never labeled what he did a…

Is your wife nagging you? Take this as a good sign. It might mean she is still invested in the marriage and not ready to walk away. Maybe you’ve heard about the Walk-away Wife Syndrome. It’s a phrase that has been coined to describe women who will file for divorce . Of the one million…

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