Doing Life Together

The next time you feel tension creeping into your body, try this: If you, like millions of Americans, feel stressed out and in need of a long vacation you can’t afford to take, don’t sweat it. There is a lot you can do to de-stress yourself.  Keep in mind that the opposite of tension and…

Are you a compulsive overeating? Do you binge eat? What are the signs of emotional eating? Julie is frustrated with her weight. She has been steadily gaining for months and can’t stop bingeing on candy. The more her weight goes up, the more depressed she becomes. Every night Julie promises herself that she’ll be “good”.…

I watched a few moments of Beyonce at the inauguration. She was beautiful, talented and carried herself well. Yesterday, she was the topic of controversy. Did she sing the national anthem live? Apparently not, despite the dramatic ripping out of the ear piece half-way. So why the big deal, the stories about “Bey Gate?” After…

My daughter is two and half and is beginning to stutter. Up until now, she has been a good talker. But when she gets excited, we’ve noticed she stutters, like her brain can’t catch up to her mouth. We are not sure how to handle this and wonder if we should seek help. It is…

The story of Notre Dame’s football player, Manti Te’o, is just bizarre. It’s like trying to figure out who dunnit in CLUE. If you haven’t heard, the short story is that Manti Te’o’s girlfriend  was in a car accident and then died of leukemia within24 hours of his grandmother’s death last September. This girlfriend relationship…

Sportscaster, Brean Musburger, apologized for his comments about a football player’s girlfriend. During the Alabama/Notre Dame BCS National Championship Game, the camera found Miss Alabama, Katherine Webb, the girlfriend of the Alabama quarterback. Upon seeing her on camera, Musburger commented,  ” Wow, you quarterbacks get all the good looking women, what a beautiful woman, whoa! If…

When Lance Armstrong appears on Oprah this week, word is that he admits to doping during his cycling career. What makes his admission so grievous is that he repeatedly denied allegations of doping levied against him for years and went after those who tried to bring out the truth. But my concern is not about…

Up against a tough situation with your divorce or child custody case? Family law attorney, Christian Badali, a partner at Weber Gallagher says, shut down your social media. It can be used against you. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) found that increasing numbers of attorneys are relying on social networking evidence in their…

I finally was able to see the movie version of Les Miserable. Stunning performances by the actors, beautiful cinematography and an incredible story of grace and forgiveness. One could not help but be moved by the message—every life is of value and worthy of God’s forgiveness and grace. I was moved to tears. But the…

I’ve written several articles on the impact of the mom’s mental health on the development of her unborn baby, but what about the dad? Could the mental health of the father also impact his unborn child? A study published in Pediatrics provides and answer to this question. A Norway study of 32,000 children found that the psychological…

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