Doing Life Together

You’ve heard the saying, “Put your money where your mouth is?” Well if you are single, this idea may have some merit. A singles survey of almost 5500 unattached adults conducted by for sheds light on what singles look for in potential relationships. And yes, physical attraction still makes the list. But the…

I was reviewing a large study on the sexual attitudes of singles and I was surprised by how much shift has occurred regarding sexuality. And then I wasn’t surprised when I began to think about how media preach their nightly brand of  sexuality. In almost every case (I am struggling to find one story line…

Ever heard this conversation between two people at work? ” I am so brain dead, I can’t do another thing today.” “I know, right. We are way overworked. And I heard that we only use 90% of our brains! I think mine is maxed out! ”  How many times have you heard someone say that…

It may surprise you what researchers Alan Booth,  Paul Amato and colleagues at Penn State found to be important predictors of divorce when they studied long term marriage and divorce. 1) Couples who do NOT own a house. House owners are less likely to divorce. Owning represents commitment and stabilizes relationships. Think about it. House owners…

Super Bowl  is a bit like Christmas.- the hype outweighs the actual event. Don’t get me wrong, it turned out to be a good game even though I was routing for San Francisco. But all the hoopla surrounding the game is exhausting. Like most of you, I watched the game (although in and out of…

Are you ready for some football? How about the snacks? Super bowl can mean super calories. Move over Thanksgiving! Let the calories begin! Public health advocate, Charles Platkin, editor of provides some exercise equivalents to combat those handful of snacks you will consume. it may freak you out a bit! SIX (6) TRADITIONAL HAND-SPUN…

Want to live longer, stay healthy? Get married! True, but how does marriage impact the work place, specifically, does it help with promotions? The answer depends on your gender. Women NO; Men YES A study that looked at college professors and their promotions found that married female professors waited longer to be promoted than their…

Want an edge on losing weight? You might consider the TIMING of your meal. An interesting study conducted in Spain with Tufts University and the University of Murcia, looked at the timing of meals. Specifically, they wanted to see if eating an early (before 3:00p.m.) or late (after 3:00p.m.) lunch made any difference in weight…

Jenna was really mad at her husband. He promised to come home at a reasonable hour. She cooked a fabulous meal, got the kids to bed but sat waiting in the silence. Two hours after his scheduled arrival, husband Tom showed up. By the time, he walked in the door, Jenna was ready to explode.…

Sunday, I heard a sermon on sanctification. The pastor was direct with the congregation. If you are cohabitating and having sex, you are sinning. If you are looking at pornography, you are sinning. If you cheat on your taxes, you are sinning. If you lie to your parents, that is sin. Gossip? It’s sin. The…

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