Doing Life Together

    This interview with CBN News was based on the news story about Governor Sanford’s infidelity a few years ago, but has some terrific points in terms of how to think about picking up the pieces after an affair. Can marriages be saved? Click on the interview. Featured this week on Dr. Linda’s E-news.

I was on a radio show discussing how the behavior of politicians and celebrities give permission for children to bully each other. It was an interesting angle, looking at the behavior of adults in our culture and discussing how the lack of civility and mutual respect feed bullying. But let’s be honest. The biggest influence…

As I was preparing for my next radio show on Diet Mistakes, I thought I would pass these along on my blog. This is the time of year many of us are being intentional about losing weight. So what should we be careful NOT to do! 1) Telling people you are on a DIET! Lose…

I was reading a new book on relationships by one of the leading people in the field and was stunned. In the book, he suggested that “a little” pornography could help a marriage. Here is why he is wrong. After treating far too many people who thought a little porn would bring back passion in…

Listen up all you couch potatoes. I’m actually standing while typing this! Here is why. Too much sitting is linked to heart disease, diabetes, and early death from all causes. That’s right, the World Health Organization puts sitting or physical inactivity 4th on the list of risk factors for death worldwide. And while sitting isn’t…

You log on to Facebook, check the status of your  500 plus “friends” and post a few comments. You notice that several of your friends are feeling down this post holiday season and are talking about feeling lonely and depressed. After reading their posts, you feel down too. What just happened? Can negative and positive…

Pop singer Ke$ha entered eating disorder treatment at Timberline Knolls on January 3 and asked her fans to give her 30 days to rehab, but eating disorders don’t begin or end suddenly. They develop over time and take more than 30 days to overcome. Hopefully, this inpatient time is just a beginning of Ke$ha developing…

Ok it’s only been days since the New Year. Did you make New Year’s resolutions? Less than half of you did! And according to  a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, by the end of the year, only 8% of you will be successful . These are not good odds. So should we forget the…

Happy New Year! Today’s blog is The Best of the Dr. Linda Mintle show. Body Image, Forgiveness, depression and more…CLick on the picture to listen!

Soon, we will all be shouting, “Happy New Year!” It’s a warm and hopeful sentiment because we know that happy people live longer, healthier and more prosperous lives. Scripture confirms that true happiness is found in our relationship with God. But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and…

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