Many Christians today feel attacked for upholding moral values rooted in biblical truth. We’ve often been ridiculed and marginalized by certain groups who mock our convictions. With shifts in political and cultural landscapes, my concern now is how Christians will respond after having felt pressured and pushed down. Will we return kindness for cruelty, or…

Christians are not exempt from the natural causes of a fallen world or the progression of a poor environment or bad habits. Pain and suffering are consequences of the Fall. Our world is full of disease, illness, violence, abuse, and all sorts of pain. Scripture tells us that even creation groans in this fallen state.…

  “I hate my body.” “My thighs are too big; my hair is too thin and I don’t like what I see in the mirror.”   Do the imperfections you see in the mirror shape your sense of self? If they do, consider keeping those thoughts to yourself when your children are around. A child’s…

When you go through a difficult time, have you ever noticed what people say? Their words can be encouraging and uplifting or frustrating, even offensive. This happens in churches more than I care to admit. A well-meaning person tries to encourage you and uses cliches like, “I believe everything happens for a reason?” Or “Don’t…

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