Happy 4th of July!  I am thankful for our freedom. But I was thinking about how divided we are as a country. People cannot hold different points of view without being verbally attacked or cancelled. Ideology has replaced decency and respect, escalating divisions and anger. I remember a sermon my brother, Reverend Dennis Marquardt, preached…

A new book is getting a lot of attention discussing cell phone use and social media as they contribute to the rising mental health crisis. Yes, those are significant factors and need discussion and guidelines for use. But an overlooked factor has been brought to our attention by a Harvard professor of epidemiology, Dr. Tyler…

  Easter is one of my favorite holidays. Spring is in the air, flowers are beginning to push out of the ground, birds are singing and building their nests. All signs point to new life and a new beginning as winter fades and loses strength. Like the seasons, Easter is a reminder of Christ’s darkest…

I did not grow up in a liturgical church so never heard of a Maundy Thursday service. As an adult, I have attended churches that blend liturgical elements into the services and I love the meaning behind these traditions. Maundy Thursday is one of them.  It is part of  Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday…

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