Slavery. Human trafficking. Kidnapped victims who are often smuggled or forced to migrate across borders. Slaves in today’s world are faced with daily fear and a lack of legal protection, leaving them without a voice when it’s needed most. Human trafficking cases have been reported within every single state in the United States, and sadly,…

This week we mark the UN’s International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th. The day was created by the United Nations General Assembly to help promote opportunities and equal access for girls everywhere. The UN created it to increase public awareness in different areas such as health care, education, and freedom from domestic violence.

Originally posted on Open Equal Free In Bolivia, a country which has one of the biggest maternal mortality rates at 190 deaths per 100,000 births, healthcare workers are making strides to bring cultural practices into the delivery room to give a more comfortable experience for expectant mothers. When hospital workers become better educated in cultural norms…

The rose ceremony. Tears. Group dates. Emotional rollar-coasters. 25 or so men all working to woo the heart of one woman. In other words…pathetic entertainment. So why does it entice so many women in the United States? I haven’t followed the show during this season, but I have to admit, I watched it my freshmen…

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