eating right | Terezia Farkas | depression help | Beliefnet

Food is an important part of our lives. Not only does food keep us alive, food also provides comfort, promotes good health, and can be a sensual experience. Eating right to be happy isn’t complicated. Here’s some ways to keep your energy and mood up.

Eat the right type of carbohydrate

Food is important for mood. The type of food you eat – carbohydrate, sugar, protein – can make you feel happy while wrecking havoc on your system.

High refined carbs cause mood swings because they quickly shoot up blood sugar levels. These foods are easily converted into glucose by your body, and used for instant energy. The downside is the sudden energy crash when the glucose levels go back to normal.

High refined carbs are foods like pasta, potatoes, rice, white bread, pastries, sodas, and anything with added sugar, These carbs take your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride, that leaves you feeling down in the dumps. Research shows that women who eat high refined carbs are at a higher risk of depression than women who eat lower refined carbs, like soy products, beans, and fibre bread. So, while high refined carbs cause depression, lower refined carbs are okay.

Don’t skip breakfast

Eating right to be happy starts with having breakfast. While you sleep, your body is doing some amazing cleaning of your internal systems. It’s also refuelling depleted hormone levels. When you get out of bed, your body needs to be refuelled with certain chemicals. If you don’t refuel properly, you won’t get the best performance out of your body.

Drink water

Our bodies need water. But most of us don’t drink enough water. Some people only drink one or two glasses of water a day! And then they wonder why they get kidney stones or urinary tract infections.

Water supplies your body with energy. It keeps you healthy by flushing out toxins that get into your body from food and the air. A good rule of thumb is to start your day with a glass of water. It will rehydrate your body from the night, and help flush out toxins.

Eating right will help you with mood. It won’t cure depression, or take away bipolar mood swings. But, eating right will restore energy to your body. When your body has more energy, your mood lifts up. Experiment with these suggestions and see if they make a difference to your mood.

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