Yep. Hard to believe, but true. At a time when Catholic schools are closing, are raising tuition to levels many parents can’t afford, one school in Pennsylvania is bucking the trend. It’s free. From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: When the Rev. John Haney came to St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin in 1983, the church elementary…

When was the last time you saw a church — Catholic or otherwise — packed with more men than women? USA TODAY takes note of a curious phenomenon, and what some churches are doing to change it: Women outnumber men in attendance in every major Christian denomination, and they are 20% to 25% more likely…

It’s been a while since we heard any news about the “Catholic town” of Ave Maria in Florida. It’s been up and running for a little over a year now — and all indications are, it’s doing well, despite some setbacks and some less-than-enthusiastic press. This story comes from Naples News: Ambition has met reality…

Out in Wyoming, a local paper just published this interesting look at the Church of the West (West of the Mississippi, that is) and how it’s preparing for the future: The three men in black sat together on what traditionally has been their only “day off.” Days off are rare now, but it’s all part…

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