Bless her heart, the Anchoress has posted a terrific clip of Christopher Walken dancing in Pennies from Heaven. Most people forget he was a happy hoofer — taught by his mother, I believe — before he became one of the creepiest dramatic actors in the movies. But for my money, my favorite Dancin’ Walken is…

Those nuns who taught you in elementary school are now teaching science a thing or two about alternative medicine. Check out this item, from the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal: Here at the Providence Rest nursing home, which caters mostly to retired nuns and devout Roman Catholics, Harold Packman has developed an important…

Frequent visitors to the Catholic blogosphere will be familiar with the blog Clerical Whispers, run by an Irish priest who calls himself “Soto Voce.” Over the weekend, he posted a cry from the heart, which speaks, I think, for many priests today: In the last few days, I have done some deep thinking and reflecting…

Anyone wondering what the pontiff will have to say when he visits the U.S. next month need look no further than the current issue of the New York Sun, which has this tantalizing preview: Pope Benedict XVI will use his trip to America next month to present Catholic educators with a powerful challenge, one whose…

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