Over at Clerical Whispers, there is news about a “Year of Vocation” being trumpeted in Ireland — a place that needs vocations (singular and plural) more desperately than most of us can imagine. (N.B. near the bottom, a reference to bringing the permanent diaconate to Ireland.) Read on: It cannot be disputed that the Catholic…

This hasn’t gotten too much attention outside Utah, but it should. The picture below is part of a series of controversial photographs which have been criticized for showing disrespect toward Catholicism by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: LDS Church officials have apologized for three Mormon missionaries who allegedly vandalized…

I’m sure you’ve been wondering: ‘Where on earth can I get my Hell’s Angels leather jacket repaired and find a nice rosary, too?” Look no further. There’s news about one in Colorado, from columnist Dan England: Four years after they got married, Laura and Tom Hodge were traveling down a winding road with no real…

‘Tis the season. Awards season, that is. And you might want to wander over to the Bloggers Choice Awards to see who the contenders are in different categories. (Your Humble Blogger is listed in Best Religion Blog.) There are a gazillion nominees — so take your time and, to quote Paul Simon, “stroll around the…

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