Daily Joys and Simple Pleasures

An inquiry came from a listener to Steve Maraboli’s Empowered Living Radio show –  “How do you keep yourself authentic?” I’ll elaborate on my reply.  It will immediately sound counter to all that I have to say about “begin as if it were on purpose,” and “live with intention,” but here goes. I begin every…

I am fortunate enough to not be challenged by a Tsunami (our advisory warning goes off this evening – but we are fine) or to be homeless, or facing the uncertainty of loss…of rights, or safety or goods.  Today I am filled with prayers for those thousands challenged by threat in the world this day. …

Beginning April 4 Mary Anne guides Focus Phrase™.The theme emphasizes: health, promises to yourself, service with compassion and gratitude.  Enrollment’s until 3/29 for $229, which includes a signed copy of LIFE BEGINS WHEN YOU DO and a host of other surprises. This writing process, created out of mary anne’s lifelong practice of personal writing,  is…

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.”  – Margaret Mead Have you expressed concern to a friend or family member regarding something you’ve seen or read in the news lately?   Have you found yourself thinking or saying, “But what can…

WHAT have you learned?  WHO taught you?  Are you aware of gratitude toward the people who have provided the key lessons of your life?  Two thousand years ago, what Marcus Aurelieus knew about gratitude is still valid today.  It’s important to see and acknowledge where the core of our values and beliefs come from.  It…

“Whisper peace as a prayer.  mary anne radmacher”

Ask any politician who has been victorious in an election so close the votes had to be recounted.  ONE vote makes a difference.Ask anybody who got the last of a certain blood type for a needed transfusion. One contributor made a difference.  You make think that your actions do not matter in the larger scheme…

In between all the rational explaining we do why there aren’t miracles…just set a little room aside…in case there are.

Famously Eleanor Roosevelt insisted, “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  Eleanor elevated herself above her fears by lifting her thinking into the realm of what is possible. Do you have someone in your life who inspires you?  I have long held Eleanor as a cherished role model.  I am blessed with…

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