Daily Joys and Simple Pleasures

LIFE BEGINS WHEN YOU DO premiered in its first month as the number 2 best seller at simpletruths.com Number two. Right out of the gate. In it’s second month it holds the #3 position. If I were an Olympic competitor both those standings would put me on the Medal Stand. There is an incessant drive…

That sounds good, doesn’t it? I recalled one of my former employees loved these little chocolate bites that were wrapped in colorful foil with sage advice printed on the inside. We could always tell when she’d devoured a sweet bite because she’d announce to advice to the whole crew! A fine spot we’re in –…

Sure to draw a chuckle from my friend and graphic designer was my emphatic promise upon delivering illustrations, “I promise! None of them will have crowns on their heads.” This, of course, was a sweet little industry joke we shared about the proliferation of crowns, various pointy hats and not-to-be-overlooked-wings on nearly every trendy illustration…

All my friend, Shelley had to do was ask, “What’s your favorite read?” That did me in. I didn’t mean to take the turn to the Library. I didn’t know today was the library’s book sale. Succulent, luscious, seducing books calling to me, “Just a quarter. Isn’t there room on your recently cleared, EMPTY shelves…

someone, again, suing Oprah for something…the news goes on. The days unfold. There is trouble in the world. Hey. There’s trouble in my world. Chatter. Noise. Conflict. Opportunities and fast paced moments fly so fast we miss catching them. Someone said to me, “You are always so calm. You must be wise.” I smile. And…

Dr. Masaru Emoto is calling for a Water Ceremony for Japan ( which is really for the whole world)– this Thursday. See below. Day and Time: March 31st, 2011 (Thursday) 12:00 noon in each time zone Please say the following phrase: “The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please…

One of the significant advantages in guiding people through my Focus Phrase™ process is reading rich and tender work. Each person brings their unique voice to the process. And every once in awhile I get to celebrate that voice in public. Today is such a day. Marci Moore is a magician of excellence in many…

If there was a Periodic Table of YOUR ELEMENTS – what would your elements be?

Our heart widens for those in conflict and disaster in our world…to those wholeave their normal posts and travel to serve.  Our military angels offering aid,those NGO’s whose sole mission is to give water, food, wash clothes, tendanimals in in whole to mend what is broken and grieve with those whose lossescannot be fixed.  Today…

Please let this image remind and inspire you to SING Your Own Song!  This will soon be available as a limited series through my author site:  maryanneradmacher.net if you would like to have a copy of your own.

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