Daily Cup of Wellness

Following a rash of alcohol related deaths in fraternities, the North American Interfraternity Conference passed a ruling stating that hard alcohol would no longer be allowed in fraternities unless it was served by a licensed, third party vendor. This means that any fraternity party would need to have an official, licensed bartender rather than a…

According to a recent study, four out of five Britons have hearts that are far older than they should be which puts people at a greater risk of early death through heart disease. “These are really alarming figures that will cause great anxiety for many,” said Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of…

Most people today would be doubtful that the so-called golden years are as wonderful as they are said to be. Thankfully, it turns out that there are advantages that come with age.  According to a recent study published in the journal Psychological Bulletin, a person’s self-esteem tends to peak around the age of 60 and last…

As a general rule, young people have quite a bit of sex. Given the decline, if not elimination, of the social taboo against premarital sex, overly sexualized advertisements that help create an “everybody’s doing it” mentality, easy access to alcohol on college campuses and the ever-present specter of peer pressure, it is no surprise that…

Do animals grieve? The question has been asked repeatedly, and evidence has suggested that at least some animals do have the capacity to mourn. The most recent show of animal grief has come from the Southern Resident killer whale pod off the coast of British Columbia. An orca gave birth to a calf that died…

The days of children spending their time outdoors climbing trees or playing tag appear to have, at least, temporarily ended. Children between the ages of six and 16 currently spend more time playing video games than they do playing outside. According to a British survey, today’s youth prefer gaming, watching TV, surfing the web and listening…

Everyone has heard that the tragic end to a relationship can break your heart, but a recent study in Europe has suggested that loneliness can stop your heart. According to a team of Danish researchers, people who are lonely have twice the mortality risk as those who have strong social support systems. The study also…

Religious adherents have long touted the many benefits of living a faithful life to the derision of many of those who are not religious. Recently, however, science has come down on the side of the faithful. A recent study done by Ohio State University found that religious people tend to live an average of four…

TV doctors are known for issuing some interesting advice, but Dr. Oz’s latest has earned him quite a bit of ridicule. Dr. Oz tweeted that astrological signs “may reveal a great deal about [a person’s] health.” He included a link to a slideshow that claimed that Aries were more likely to suffer from migraines and…

Several news organizations have recently created a new rule that they refuse to show the faces of mass shooters during their media coverage. Their reasoning, they say, is so that the shooter is not glorified or created to be a spectacle. With the influx of celebrity suicides this week, there has been an discussion if…

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