woman looking at skyWhat is faith and why is it important in my journey of recovery? Saving faith can be defined as complete trust and confidence in the person of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. It is the only way that we can be made right with God once again. It is through faith in Christ, that we are positioned and empowered to overcome darkness and defeat in our lives.

What happens when faith is challenged or is altogether absent? Do you struggle to believe? Has your faith ever been tested to a point you felt unable to trust or draw near to God? I have been there! My prayer is you would dare to believe from the foundation of biblical truth that produces an unstoppable and unshakable faith.

Hi! My name is Tracy, and I am clean, sober and saved. For nearly two decades, I have been free from the bondage of alcoholism and addiction that would result in the loss of custody of my three beautiful sons. For many years, I was that person who denied faith in the truth that would set me free.

If you are suffering with addiction, I want you to know that you can be free. Throughout this writing, I hope you feel challenged to identify and overcome any roadblocks that hinder your pursuit of Jesus. Allow faith to arise in you by identifying and overcoming three common enemies of truth that keep a person bound to defeat.

1. Roadblocks to Belief

A roadblock is a barrier, within the heart or mind, that draws a person away from Jesus or hinders their ability to trust or believe in Him. The most common roadblocks to belief are developed within people who have experienced dysfunctional upbringings, a harsh introduction to God, or experiences which caused great harm, pain or trauma in their lives. Many are simply confused or feel anger toward God. These experiences cause many to question or blame God, making it difficult to seek the true understanding of Him through biblical truth.

How can I write this with such conviction? I was one of those people who created my own understanding of God, based on my opinions and past experiences. This false conviction bounded my pain and defeat. I could experience moments of reprieve, but I was never free. Roadblocks to belief create a false faith that has no power at all. This is one of the greatest obstacles I have witnessed in my 18 years of recovery.

Faith tears down those roadblocks to belief. I want to encourage you to identify and deal with any roadblocks by filtering them through the truth of God’s Word. Become open to the idea of developing genuine faith. Faith is not a feeling, but truth that builds within you based on the written Word of God. There was not one part of me that “felt” like pursing God through the truth of the bible. I had to take a step toward faith through complete abandonment of my own thoughts, opinions, and past experiences by seeking God through His Word. It was during this process I would find the true understanding of God and experience the truth which set me free and allows me to stay free.

2. Addiction is a Bondage, Not Your Identity

Faith in Christ Jesus reveals your true identity. Addiction is not who you are, it is a bondage you overcome. I like to define addiction as the inner wounds and issues of the soul being displayed through defeated thoughts, behaviors and actions. Addiction is not a person, but an expression of defeat. Living our lives separated from God, we become captives to sin and darkness – and we cannot escape. In Christ Jesus, you are now identified and embraced as a son or daughter of God who is forgiven, accepted, and loved. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the one true God who has a plan of hope, healing and success for you.

3. Unworthy

Many people believe their wrongs are too great for God to love or forgive them. This is a flat out lie! Faith, in the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ shows you just how much God loves you (Romans 5:10). Faith based on biblical truth teaches you that God forgives your sins and remembers them no more (Hebrews 8:12). He will never hold them against you or bring them up again.

In Christ Jesus, you are free from the power and penalty of all sin. Jesus took away the power of your guilt, shame, pain and regret by nailing it to the cross (1 Peter 2:24). He died so you could rise-up with great power and be victorious. Through faith in Jesus, you can now experience healing, wholeness and a satisfying life (Isaiah 53:5). You can receive the promise of eternal life with Him, where He will one day wipe every tear from your eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever (Revelation 21:4, NLT).

Faith in Jesus fuels the pathway to freedom and defeats every power of darkness. In Christ, a transformed life begins, and eternal hope never ends. Take that step of faith to draw near to Him and allow His truth to define you and set you free. You are worth it!

Tracy Strawberry is a wife, mother, published author, and international speaker who teaches God’s truth around the world. Tracy invites you to purchase, The Invitation to Intimacy with God, her latest contribution to a work that is sure to encourage and inspire anyone through daily life! For more information and free resources, please visit her website at www.FindingYourWay.com.

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