Cut the Crap Spirituality

My daughters usually come home from school, and almost always have some dramatic story to share: “I can’t believe Suzy said that to Jenny.” Or “I can’t believe Jenny did that to Jane.” Or – “They are so mean – I can’t believe it.” Their lives are filled with constant issues. There is always something…

A Pew Research Center study showed a drop in the number of American Christians – 78% of the population to 71% in seven years. Millennials are largely responsible for the drop. Just 56% of Millennials consider themselves Christians. Religiously unaffiliated Americans, known as the “Nones,” form nearly 23% of the population – a greater percentage…

I’m a middle child, my wife is a middle child and we have three kids. My middle daughter often reminds me of her middle child status and that too often she gets “overlooked.” The oldest is the first to experience, gets everything new and is often the most recognized. The last is coddled as there…

Religion is like living in your parents’ house. It’s safe – You’re protected from the unknown. It’s easy – Mom sets the table and makes your dinner. It’s comfortable – The house is nice and the rent is low. It’s predictable – The rules are clear. And it’s always there – All you have to…

As a society I think we’ve done a poor job in choosing our heroes. More often than not our heroes are either people born with tremendous physical talents or good looks. They may have worked hard to enhance those talents, but really how difficult was that? And how much light do their lives provide to…

I find it commendable that people spend time and energy in Bible study groups. I often wonder, however, what they are studying. Are they studying the words of the Bible as a starting point for reflection and discussion? Or are they taking the words literally and using them as their reality? The Bible, like every…

I’m often amazed there is not a bigger push to make religion more democratic. Politically speaking democracy is often viewed as the ideal form of government because it provides a voice for all. It’s based on the belief that the many know better than the few. Over time the voices of the many usually shut…

I recently went on a hike with my family through Red Rocks in Las Vegas where we viewed Indian rock art. Below is one of the artifacts. I looked at it for a while, and it occurred to me that the artifact (like the number 8) is symbolic of life. It provides the illusion of…

After I read about Bruce Jenner, I couldn’t help but think about how courageous he is. Winning the decathalon, with the label of the World’s Greatest Athlete, carried with it life long notoriety and security. He could have stayed in his comfortable box signing authographs and collecting adoration. But he didn’t. He stepped out and…

I was talking with someone the other day, and he expressed his frustration with the “younger generations.” He said: “You know – the problem I have is that they have no respect for tradition – for the things we hold so dear.” After we departed, I thought about it, and I am probably included in…

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