Cosmic Candor

Oh, thank heavens — literally. Love planet Venus is moving into Cancer tomorrow, and I’m looking at it like a much-needed relationship IV that will feed my starvation for intimacy. Sorry, that sounds melodramatic (you can blame that on my Leo Rising). But frankly, Venus has been in jittery Gemini for so long that my…

Have you heard that expression, “Once in a Blue Moon,” and wondered what exactly that means? Does the Moon really turn blue? Does this only happen once in a couple hundred or every thousand years? Well, no and no. But it IS happening this August! The term “Blue Moon,” which we’ve adopted as a way…

As we continue to feel the effects of yesterday’s rollicking Full Moon in Aquarius, it’s a good opportunity to take a closer look at this often misunderstood zodiac sign. Known as the Water Bearer, Aquarius is sometimes mistaken for a Water sign — but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Aquarius is an Air…

My boyfriend made a kissy noise when he hung up the phone with me last night. Seriously. I was shocked — but in a pleasant way. He’s pretty reserved, and he’s certainly never done that before. It was, like, MWAH! Pretty darn cute. And right on cue, because the August Love Horoscopes are sweet as…

It’s too bad the Full Moon in Aquarius of August 3 falls on a Tuesday, because my day job is going to get in the way of me taking full advantage of what I like to call the “Party Moon!” This Full Moon in Aquarius is full of fun energy, and it’s going to trigger…

We’ve still got a couple of days left in July, but I’m already eager about August. August is when summer really starts to get good, and this year is no different.  I just read the August Horoscopes at and let out a big whoop of joy! Personally, I’m most looking forward to the first…

If you can get out of town with your sweetie this weekend, you should do it. Take a road trip, book a room at a cozy hotel, or at the very least go on a picnic or a moonlight bike ride. Just do something fun, funny and random  together — because boredom is love’s enemy…

I’ve always gotten along so well with Leos. I’m a Gemini, and I actually noticed how compatible our signs must be long before I began studying Astrology. Leos would just naturally come into my life — my dad’s a Leo, and I’ve had many Leo best friends and boyfriends who always made life more fun.…

I’m gearing up for a case of the brain spins today! I usually have trouble turning off my supercharged Gemini brain as it is, but today Mercury Retrograde is forming a trine with electric Uranus that’s expected to overwhelm everyone with brilliant ideas. This isn’t a bad thing, of course. Who doesn’t love a brilliant…

As an Astrology writer, I often hear from women with questions about love and dating and relationships, and sadly I hear from way too many people who are broken-hearted. Many times these people are eager to know if Astrology or Tarot cards can offer any insight or advice for getting back together with someone who…

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