Cosmic Candor

Mercury is my ruling planet, so I like to keep pretty close track of it. And today I’m happy to report that Mercury, which rules communication in addition to ruling chatty Geminis, is moving into sunny Sagittarius today, December 10, 2012. This is an excellent transit in my opinion, because it’s all about opening your…

I’m not sure if “wild” is good or bad when it comes to love. I mean, sometimes wild can be exciting, but sometimes it’s nice to just share a moment of calm with your partner as a safe harbor from the stormy sea of life. That said, this weekend’s love horoscope predicts a wild ride,…

It’s always difficult to buckle down and work during the holiday sesason, and this year will be no different — especially with the antsy Sagittarius Sun overhead until December 21, 2012. And hey, that’s when the world ends, right? So we may as well forget work and party right on through to the end. Just…

November was a tough month for many of us, including me and my colleague, Astrologer Maria DeSimone. For me, it was mostly emotional turmoil, but for Maria it was very rough in the material world. In addition to Mercury Retrograde and a lot of dark Scorpio energy, Hurricane Sandy took a disastrous toll on many…

I can remember a number of years back when I was dating this wishy-washy guy who would be super into me one minute, and then push me away the next. It was around the time that Katy Perry “Hot ‘n Cold” song came out, remember? “You change your mind like a girl changes clothes. Yeah,…

My best friend Elizabeth is a Sagittarius, and she’s completely awesome. She’s so awesome, in fact, that she goes by Liz instead of Elizabeth because it’s less stuffy and more suited to her active social life and sense of adventure. Does that make sense? “Elizabeth” would host a quiet tea party in her living room,…

Ok, the bad news is that I didn’t win the Powerball lottery, in spite of the fact that I used my Numerology lucky numbers. Perhaps Numerology shouldn’t be used for monetary gain? Hmph. But the good news is, the December horoscopes are in and it’s looking pretty good. November was bumpy, with Mercury Retrograde and…

Can Numerology help you win the lottery? Well, I’ll let you know tomorrow. I’m writing this blog on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 28, in the midst of the Powerball media frenzy! Tonight’s jackpot is up to something like half a billion dollars, and while I don’t usually play the lottery, today I’m thinking ……

HOLLAH! Today’s noisy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is calling my name, and it’s telling me to stop chattering, be quiet and sit still so I can hear my own inner voice. You should listen up, too, because it’s telling you to do the same thing! This Full Moon is in my home sign…

Well, we made it through Mercury Retrograde — or at least most of us did. But the past few weeks have been intense, and now I’m watching another powerful cosmic situation taking shape. Action planet Mars moved into Capricorn on November 16, which heightens focus, concentration and discipline. I like to joke that it’s the…

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