Mercury in Sagittarius at Tarot.comMercury is my ruling planet, so I like to keep pretty close track of it. And today I’m happy to report that Mercury, which rules communication in addition to ruling chatty Geminis, is moving into sunny Sagittarius today, December 10, 2012.

This is an excellent transit in my opinion, because it’s all about opening your mind and exploring new ideas. I’m a very philosophical person, so this is right up my mental alley.

I’m looking forward to spending the next few weeks having all kinds of fascinating conversations about strange and deep things with my friends and family at holiday dinners and parties.

Seriously, my family has been known to discuss everything from who killed JFK to the likelihood of alien life at the dinner table, and I know the conversations will be as interesting as ever with Mercury in Sagittarius.

Of course, the flip side is that Sagittarius can be a little impulsive and reckless, so when you apply those characteristics to your style of communication, well, it’s likely some of us will speak too quickly without thinking and offend someone during this time.

But hey, that’s ok. Just remember your manners and try a little harder to think before you speak. The fun of Mercury in Sagittarius far outweighs the risks and it’s a great month for feeling confident, so live it up while the living’s good!

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