Cosmic Candor

From Mars to the Moon, the first week of February is blasting off this brand new month with several amazing Astrology events! Today, Mars is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, which is a beautiful event that doesn’t happen very often. This aspect wants us to take action on making our wildest dreams come true, but it’s…

I just finished reading the February Horoscopes for life, love and career at, and it’s not all chocolate kittens and rainbow roses, but it’s looking pretty sweet to me. That’s because, in my opinion, January more or less tanked. I really felt all the serious Capricorn energy weighing me down, and I admit to…

Big things are happening to our love lives this weekend! Yes, I’m talking about YOU! It doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship, there’s a cosmic shift when it comes to love and it all starts this Friday, February 1. This is primarily because the “cosmic lovers” Venus, planet of love, and Mars,…

As I mentioned yesterday, lucky planet Jupiter is going direct today (January 30) after about four months in retrograde, and it means today’s your lucky day! OK, it’s my lucky day, too, so I’m expanding on my plans to buy a lottery ticket, pet a black cat, walk under a few ladders and feast on…

We’re all getting lucky this week, thanks to jolly Jupiter moving direct in Gemini on Wednesday, Jan. 30. As a Gemini, I’m especially excited about this — I believe it will give me just the lucky boost I need. Lookout lottery, here I come! Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, and it’s been…

Chinese New Year is based on the lunar cycle, so the dates are always a little different. This year (2013), Chinese New Year begins on February 10, the same day of the New Moon in Aquarius, and it will end on February 25, the day of the Full Moon in Virgo. I love Chinese New…

Calling all drama queens! There’s a Full Moon in Leo tomorrow (Saturday, Jan. 26), and it’s just your style. A Full Moon in this dramatic, glamorous and attention-getting sign always means SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I’m not sure what will happen, exactly, but this Full Moon is all about creativity and expressing yourself, so…

I have quite a few female friends who either recently had babies or who are expecting babies in coming months, but no one who is expecting this week. Which is too bad, because I just found out it’s baby genius week! Babies born between about January 20-27, 2013 will benefit from a number of cosmic…

Ok, here’s a question for all of you who are in relationships or almost-relationships or any kind of “it’s complicated” situation: Has your love life gotten even MORE complicated in the past couple of weeks? I just want to remind you that Venus is still in Capricorn until February 1, and I’m saying this again…

I love to eat, especially in the middle of winter, and I’m not very fancy about it. I’m just a pizza-pasta-meatloaf-and-mashed-potatoes kind of gal who likes to shovel it all in and then feel the comfort of all that yummy food in my belly. Nothing makes me happier than food, and I attribute this little…

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