Jupiter Direct at Tarot.com
Image courtesy of Bailey-cakes.com.

As I mentioned yesterday, lucky planet Jupiter is going direct today (January 30) after about four months in retrograde, and it means today’s your lucky day!

OK, it’s my lucky day, too, so I’m expanding on my plans to buy a lottery ticket, pet a black cat, walk under a few ladders and feast on cupcakes.

Wait, where do the cupcakes come in? Let me tell you.

I just read a great article about Jupiter Direct by Astrologer Maria DeSimone, who puts the whole thing into a sweet cupcake analogy.
Maria basically explains that when Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth and expansion, is retrograde it’s like wanting a cupcake from a bakery that’s closed for months.

You can see the cupcake in the window, but you just can’t get to it. So then you try to make your own cupcakes, and they turn out so good you don’t even care when the cupcake shop finally opens again. By then you’re selling your own cupcakes, and your life is the stuff of delicious, mouthwatering daydreams come true.

Or something like that.

I think the most important point Maria is making is that life is about to get good this week, and we should eat it up. I know I’m going to.

Learn more about Jupiter Direct at Tarot.com »

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