Maria DeSimone on New Year Resolutions at Tarot.comAre you one of those people who always resolve to lose weight at the beginning of the year, only to fall off the doughnut wagon in the first few weeks? Well, you’re not alone, but Astrologer Maria DeSimone says we’ll have more luck keeping our New Year resolutions this year!

See, early in the morning on New Year’s Day there is an exact sextile between Mercury and Neptune, which Maria says gives us the potential to realize whatever wish, affirmation or resolution we happen to make. Mercury is also in serious and practical Capricorn now, which lends extra resolve to our New Year goals.

Maria’s latest blog jokes about all the people who make New Year resolutions to get fit, and how she gets angry about not being able to get a parking space at the gym until after the first few weeks of January. But it looks like people won’t be hopping off the treadmill as fast this year, so Maria may need to wait even longer for a good parking spot.

I hadn’t really been planning to make any New Year resolutions — I mean, why set myself up for failure? But this has me thinking twice. If I do resolve to do something, though, it will be more along the lines of saving money and trying to be more patient rather than losing weight.

In fact, right now I resolve to write up my new 2013 budget with a doughnut hanging out of my mouth, and rest assured, Maria, it won’t be me taking up your parking space at the gym!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Read more from Maria DeSimone at »

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