Astrology Inspired New Year's Resolutions at Tarot.comI’m not typically big on New Year’s resolutions, but that’s just because I’m the type of person who’s ALWAYS making resolutions. I mean, why wait ’til the end of the year to take charge of your life when you can do it every day, right?

That said, I know a lot of people make resolutions at the end of the year, and often it’s about losing weight, getting healthy, quitting smoking, spending less money, etc. and so on.

The busiest day at the gym is typically January 1, but by February it’s back to normal as people give up on their resolve to get fit and the treadmill stations are all freed up.

I think the reason many people aren’t able to keep their New Year’s resolutions is that they perhaps aim too high — like, instead of resolving to go to the gym every day, how about just resolve to try to go to the gym more often. Instead of resolving to lose 10 pounds, how about just resolve to eat healthier and see what happens?

That’s my philosophy, anyway. If you make a resolution that’s more reasonable it’ll sure be easier to keep. And Astrology can help, too. Every zodiac sign has a specific area that could use a bit more resolve.

For instance, as a speedy and sometimes scatterbrained Gemini, it would behoove me to resolve to slow down a bit in the New Year. And a fiery Aries, for example, might resolve to finish something they’ve started before charging on to the next project.

Those are just a few examples, but they sure sound like New Year’s resolutions that would be easier to keep than running miles on the treadmill with a New Year’s Day hangover. See what the cosmos can help YOU resolve!

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