Astrology of Christmas Day 2012 at Tarot.comIf you’re wondering about the cosmic conditions on Christmas Day of 2012, it’s going to be a bit challenging — but the choice is yours as to whether or not your holiday will be merry or a blight.

So says Astrologer Maria DeSimone, who wrote a great blog for about what we can expect on Christmas Day. The bad news is that we may feel a bit defiant this day, but the good news is it will be an offbeat holiday to remember.

Maria says the key astrological news bits that come into play on Christmas Day are the Sun in a tense square with Uranus, and action planet Mars moving into quirky Aquarius.

The Sun-Uranus square may encourage people to rebel and break the rules, which could provide some upset at large family gatherings if anyone is feeling suffocated. For example, someone may storm out in the middle of Christmas Dinner just to escape!

And Mars in Aquarius will lend an eccentric streak to the day. You may find your family celebrating in non-traditional ways, decorating with a sense of humor and giving each other offbeat or high-tech gadgety gifts.

As for me, I’m spending my first Christmas with my boyfriend’s family this year, so I’m going to do my best to make it a merry one. Fortunately, we’re all on the same no-fuss and non-commercial page when it comes to Christmas, so I’m confident I won’t be feeling the need to flee. As for my guy, I’m not so sure — especially when he sees the crazy gifts I got him! 🙂

Merry Quirky Christmas!

The Astrology of Christmas Day by Maria DeSimone at »

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