Conversations with God

Does God want us to have what we desire? Yes. Does God say we can have anything we want? No. Sunday School All Week continues here today, and I can’t go a step further without responding to an entry in the Comments Section Wednesday by Deb Reilly. Here is her post… Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and…

What do we do when we’ve “had it” with life, and “thinking positively” just is not working for us anymore? Is there a place in life for anger? Yesterday I ran a lengthy piece in which I quoted extensively from an entry in the Comments Section here from a person posting as “T”. Today I…

Are human beings destined to forever suffer “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” as Hamlet put it, or do we have the power to “rise up against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them?” I ask the question because last week a person posting here as “T” wrote me this… Seriously, Neale.…

If you believe that you can have anything you want in life, you are in for a downfall — no matter what that movie The Secret says. The Law of Attraction does not say that whatever you want, you get. What it does say is that whatever you think, say, and do becomes your reality.…

Yes, Virginia, there is a God. Yet God may not be what you have been told God is. For one thing, God is not Male. So when we keep referring to God as ‘He,’ we are inaccurate. For another thing, God does not have all the emotional needs and predilections with which most humans are…

Does God want anything? Does God require anything of God’s Creations? If we do not give God what God wants, will God judge us, condemn us, and punish us with everlasting torture? There is much that humans have been taught about What God Wants. Are these teachings accurate? Let’s take a look… Here is a…

Where is God when we really need Him? Why is God so silent when we are begging Her for help? How do we get through the hard times with a God who is so distant? What about the painful moments? Where is God then? As you know, in this space we are engaged in an…

I should imagine that the human mind will never become bored with questions such as this: Who, and what, is God? Our answers, however, may make for more than mere intellectual stimuli. Our answers could change the world. Well, class, you have certainly provided some wonderful and fascinating response to our lecture here on Sunday…

Back in the Sixties posters, billboards, and bumper stickers began appearing asking the question, Is God dead? This question presumed that there was a God who was at some point alive. The reason the question was asked is that there seemed to be little evidence of God in the world. Today there seems to be…

We should FEAR GOD, yes? This is our proper posture before the Divine! One of abject FEAR and TREMBLING. Yes? For we are all sinners, unworthy of anything but condemnation — were it not for the mercy of the Lord. So, fear God… Yes? Ummmm… As you will recall, when last we met we were…

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