If you believe that you can have anything you want in life, you are in for a downfall — no matter what that movie The Secret says.
The Law of Attraction does not say that whatever you want, you get. What it does say is that whatever you think, say, and do becomes your reality.
We continue our Sunday School All Week today with a look at this energy of Life that some of us call God, and how to use it. Yesterday, in our Sunday lecture, we discussed Who and What God Is. And we concluded that God is not a Super Being in the Sky, with the emotional needs and predilections of human beings, but, rather, a Source of Infinite Intelligence, Unlimited Power, and Unconditional Love.
We also said that we and God are One. That there is no Separation between us.
Now, if that is true, how is it possible to say that we cannot have anything we want?
Last week one of the class members in the Sunday School here, a person posting as “T”, wrote…

Seriously, Neale. We can’t have everything we want. In fact, in my life, what I’ve discovered is that absolutely nothing I can do will ever change, fix, or improve some of the situations I’ve been very unhappy with for what is approaching two decades. I’m really tired of hearing that it’s all my fault, that if I just had faith or believed enough or thought positively enough or repeated enough affirmations or meditated or whateverwhateverwhatever, I could make things go the way I want them to go!
I can’t. It’s obvious. Apparently what I’m supposed to do is just accept things the way they are, and the best way to do that is to just forget about what I wanted and not even think about how wonderful my life would feel any more, should things actually improve. At least then you aren’t aware of any discrepancy any longer between what would really feel good to you and how it really is. So, that’s what I’m gonna do.
If God intended it to be different, it would be. That’s what Byron Katie says, right? We’re just supposed to accept it all.
After all, if we wanted to remain perfectly happy in wonderful circumstances all the time, we sure wouldn’t have needed to make the trip here, now, would we?

I couldn’t agree more with the first statement–and I couldn’t agree less with the last. Let’s look at the last first…
We did not “make the trip here” because we did not want “to remain perfectly happy in wonderful circumstances all the time,” but, in fact, precisely because we could not do so where we were.
The Realm of the Spiritual is not a place where we can experience being perfectly happy all the time. We are perfectly happy in the Spiritual Realm–but it is exactly because we are, all of the time, that we are not. For if there is no other experience than the experience you are having, then you soon cease to have the experience.
Or, as Conversations with God puts it…”In the absence of That Which You Are Not, That Which You ARE….is NOT.”
Put another way, in the absence of darkness, the Light is not. That is, it cannot be experienced. Or, as Paramahansa Yogananda put it, if you write with chalk on a white board, you cannot see what you have written. You must write the story of your life on a blackboard. The contrast then gives you the message.

The Physical Realm is that part of All Creation where you get to experience contrasting elements, allowing you to notice and express, become and experience Who You Really Are. AND…to recreate your Self anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about that.
This is the process loosely called Evolution. It is God, Godding. It is Divinity becoming more Divine. It is Utter Magnificence experiencing what utter magnificence IS. For it is one thing to KNOW yourself as utterly magnificent, and another thing altogether to EXPERIENCE that.
Therefore ALL of Life–the Realm of the Spiritual AND the Realm of the Physical–is “heaven.” It is ALL “nirvana.” For nirvana is the Knowing and the Experiencing of Who You Are. This Combined State is the State of Being. It is Pure Being. Yes? Do you now understand?
“Being” is the state that is achieved when “Knowing” and “Experiencing” occur simultaneously. In the case of most sentient life forms, this occurs sequentially. First we “know”…then we “experience” what we “know.” With Masters, the Knowing and the Experiencing become One. In truth, they occur neither sequentially nor simultaneously, for such delineations are only possible within the construct of what you call Time.
Every true expression of Godliness is sequentaneous.
More on the first part of T’s commentary…tomorrow–as Sunday School All Week continues.
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