If only our President knew how much Africa contributed to the history of the world, perhaps he wouldn’t have said what he did.

In the Name of God: The Extremely and Eternally Loving and Caring THE RIGHT (and privilege, frankly) to vote has not always universal like it is today. When our country was first founded, slaves were not even considered full human beings. Women were only given the right to vote in this country in 1920, less…

In the Name of God: The Extremely and Eternally Loving and Caring I saw a similar article come through on my smartphone, and my disbelief prompted me to look up the story: Iran and Saudi Arabia have failed to resolve a row over the Hajj pilgrimage and Iranian citizens will not travel to Mecca this…

In the Name of God: The Extremely and Eternally Loving and Caring Every time there is a spectacular act of violence that garners media attention – whether domestically or internationally – there is widespread anxiety within the American Muslim community. After each incident, I am confident that – in American Muslim households all across the…

In the Name of the Infinitely Good and Merciful Lord Our God I am an American, whose ancestry hails from Egypt. I have quite a bit of family that still lives there. Both my and my wife’s parents frequently go back and visit, and my mother – in fact – is vacationing in Egypt right…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful  I am tired of the election season. As I write this, a political campaign ad is playing on the TV. It is the same one I have seen time, after time, after time, after time, after time. I think half of our recycling bin is…

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