Passover celebrates the freedom from bondage, and I have an opportunity as a physician to free my patients from the bondage of illness.

In the Name of God, The Extremely, Eternally, and Everlastingly Loving and Caring This past week, we commemorated “Critical Care Week” at our hospital, which celebrates the women and men who dedicate their lives to taking care of the sickest and most critically ill patients: those admitted to an ICU. They are nurses, physicians, patient…

In the Name of the Beautiful, Compassionate Beloved Lord our God The day began just like all other days on that day in August many years ago. I was on the Pulmonary consult service in the hospital, and on the agenda was a bronchoscopy on a patient in the coronary care unit. “Cool,” I thought,…

In the Name of the God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful In the May 22/29 issue of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, there was a quite significant article published that piqued my interest as a critical care specialist. It was a randomized trial which compared early vs. late placement of a tracheostomy…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Yesterday, I blogged about how bad I felt – despite doing nothing wrong – not being able to fast due to my knee injury. Well, I talked to my doctor, and he gave me a different anti-inflammatory medicine that would allow me to safely fast and…

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