In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Lord A very common, oft-repeated mantra among pundits and “experts” is that Muslims haven’t roundly condemned the extremism committed in Islam’s name. So many times, we hear people saying, “Where are the Muslim voices in condemnation?” “Why aren’t Muslims speaking up against extremists like ISIS?”…

In the Name of God: The Infinitely Compassionate and Merciful Lord That I condemn ISIS with every cell of my body goes without saying. Their barbarism knows no bounds, and I pray that the Lord brings to an end their reign of terror and inhumanity. The murder of American photojournalist James Foley, who was exposing…

In the Name of God: The Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Pamella Geller has put up bus ads in Washington, D.C. that say: Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran. Two-thirds of all US aid goes to Islamic countries. Stop racism. End all aid to Islamic countries. Her contention is flat-out wrong. The Quran is full…

In the Name of God: the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful Beloved Lord Well, I saw the movie “Noah.” And…I was quite disappointed. Even though I did say that I do not look to Hollywood to teach me my sacred history, nevertheless, if you are going to make a movie called “Noah” and make that movie…

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Compassionate and Merciful Beloved Lord I must admit: I really, really want to see “Noah.” As a Muslim, I was raised with this epic story of one of God’s greatest Prophets of all time: [LONG] BEFORE those [who now deny resurrec­tion] did Noah’s people call it a lie;…

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Lord The most important period of the Christian calendar has now begun: Lent, which began with the Imposition of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday. All throughout the world, Christians had the mark of the cross placed on their forehead with this passage of scripture…

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Lord It is a very common Islamophobe claim that the phrase, “Allahu Akbar” is the “Muslim battle cry.” They base this claim on the fact that many Muslim extremists yell out “Allahu Akbar” before their acts of barbarism. Indeed, that does happen. Yet, nothing…

In the Name of God: the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Lord At first blush, it may seem strange that I would want to walk with King Solomon. The picture painted of him by many is unflattering to say the least. Yet, Muslim belief about him is that he was a pious Prophet of God…

In the Name of God, the Infinitely Merciful and Compassionate Beloved Lord The perception of the Qur’an – and by extension all of Islam – is that it is a book of violence and intolerance. Indeed, there is no shortage of verses in the Qur’an that are tough in nature and talk about war and…

In the Name of God, the Compassionate and Infinitely Merciful After voraciously taking in Reza Aslan’s book, Zealot, about the life and times of Jesus Christ, I decided to read his bestselling book about Islam, No god but God. Towards the end of his excellent, I must say, book Aslan wrote: Just as the Christian…

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