In the Name of God: The Eternally and Extremely Loving and Caring

I WAS BLESSED to finally see Hamilton this last weekend in Chicago. It was a birthday gift for my eldest daughter who is gaga over everything Hamilton. I must admit, I wasn’t too much into it at first, but as the show went on, it grew on me. Now, I’m a big fan. 

One thing I didn’t know going into the show was that many of the Founding Fathers – Washington, Jefferson, Madison – were played by African-American actors. I must confess it was a little weird at first. But, I am very grateful to say, as the show went on, the actors’ ethnicity didn’t matter at all. Each one of them became Washington, or Jefferson, or Madison. 

That had a profound effect on me, and it made me think of this horrifically divided election. Our healing has to start now. 

Sure, we are different on many levels: socially, economically, religiously, ethnically, to name a few. But just like I was blessed to see through the actors’ ethnicities during Hamilton, we must all see through our backgrounds and see each other for who we really are: members of one big American family. 

After everything that’s been said and done during this election, it will hard to forget that a substantial portion of my American family hates me for my faith, hates me for my background, wants me and my relatives banned from the country. While I can never bring myself to support Donald Trump with my money ever again, I have to begin the process in my own heart to prevent the anger and hurt extend to all those fellow Americans who have supported him through and through. 

I must admit, it will be very difficult. But I have to do it, for the good of our people and our country. 

Scripture has told me to do so: 
But [since] good and evil cannot be equal, repel [evil] with something that is better and lo! he between whom and thyself was enmity [may then become] as though he had [always] been close [unto thee], a true friend! (41:34)

This is the way of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This is the way of Jesus Christ (pbuh). I must strive – do Jihad – to do the same. 

If I wrote this after the election, I suspect many may say: “You talk about healing because your Candidate won.” That’s why I’m writing this now. We have to start healing our fractures and divisons now, before the results of the election are known. 

Several weeks ago, I had a very passionate (read: heated) argument with a cousin of mine about politics. Voices – mainly mine – were raised and tempers – mainly mine – flared. But when it was all said and done, I sent him this message: 

No matter how “passionate” I get, you must know my love for you runs very deep…I pray you have no hard feelings. We are blood. And at the end of the day that’s all that matters. 

I disagree with the politics of many of my fellow Americans. I am distressed that they would support a candidate who spews full-throated  bigotry and division. I am saddened that there are Americans who espouse racial or religious hatred. 

And while I don’t have to agree with them, at the end of the day, they are part of my American family. I pray, Sweet Beautiful Lord, that our people can be healed from hatred, and we can all come together as Your American children. Amen, O Lord, Amen. 

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