There’s a great anecdote by Joe Klein about Obama’s meeting with General Petraeus in Iraq that I think speaks very well of Obama’s judgement and leadership, especially with regard to military matters: Obama had a choice at that moment. He could thank Petraeus for the briefing and promise to take his views “under advisement.” Or…

I’ve previously addressed the “non-citizen smear”, but as a public service here is a summary for the benefit of anyone who may still doubt the eligibility of Barack Obama for President according to the Constitution: the Obama campaign has already posted a copy of Obama’s birth certificate on his campaign website debunks the “non-citizen…

The story was sensational, and suspiciously stereotypical in invoking racial prejudices and conservative dogma about liberals’ irrationality. Sure enough, it was also a hoax: Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, confessed to making up the story about an attacker scratching a letter “B” into her face with a knife and will be charged with filing…

I lauded the McCain campaign for the incident in Virginia where supporters of McCain and campaign representatives alike vigorously confronted an Islamophobic idiot and his sidekick and forced them to depart the rally. One of the McCain supporters, Daniel Zubairi, is also a muslim himself and was among the most articulate in rejecting the notion…

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