The Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP) is holding their third annual meeting on Saturday, May 2nd in Princeton NJ. I am reposting part of the announcement here – the early bird registration is March 25th so if you are interested, do check out the CAMP Summit website for more details as soon…

InnaLillahi Wa inna Ilahi Raji’un Hamid Tehrani at Global Voices Online brings the tragic news that a jailed Iranian blogger, Omid Reza Misayafi, has died. It seems that he may have committed suicide. Apart from the personal tragedy his family must now grapple with, his death is another step backwards for the universal right of…

a classic short story by Ali Eteraz. It begins, The Great J.A.F.I (Just another Frothing Islamophobe) stepped through the door and said he was looking for Ali Eteraz. Somewhere in the world some murderers who called themselves Muslims had done some murdering and it was necessary to find Ali Eteraz to have him comment on…

There’s a fascinating survey of American muslims by Gallup that all sorts of interesting results (direct PDF link). One of the key findings is that American muslims consider themselves to be “thriving”, even more so than muslims in the Islamic world or Europe. However, somewhat counterintuitively, muslim Americans are the least content of all religious…

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